Et si la une de demain était celle-ci :
« Le Pen a donc gagné. Il a « converti » Sarkozy et une majorité de représentants politiques et aura De Villier comme allié, ainsi que la majorité du peuple citoyen de l’entité Gauloise avec lui en 2007, il faudra probablement séparer notre pays en deux. Le coté nazi où les peureux vivront retranchés avec leur haine comme ami, et le coté humain où les gens pourront vivre leur vie selon les principes qu’ils auront choisis. Je suis Français et eux (cette majorité nazi) aussi, mais nous sommes trop différent pour vivre ensemble désormais. D’un coté les Gaulois, c'est-à-dire une tribu homogène fictive, créée pour les besoins de cohésion social de l’État Français, tel qu’il existe encore pour l’instant. De l’autre coté, les Français; gens pouvant être de tous horizons mais partageant les mêmes idéaux définis à la Révolution; d’égalité et de liberté, c'est-à-dire qu’on a pas la même façon de vivre mais ça ne pose pas de problèmes. »
Ceci est bien sur exagéré pour les « besoins de la cause». Nous n’en sommes pas là! A tous ceux qui pensent que c’est le cas. Faut se réveiller! Il n’y a pas 2 cotés! Il y a une communauté de destin en désaccord.
Depuis que les banlieues se calment, déferlent sur les ondes, les émissions et débats où se succèdent de soi disant spécialistes qui font bien rire les concernés par leurs inepties.
Mr Finkelkraut par exemple qui est de plus en plus raciste sans que cela ne gène ses amis bien pensants. Il affirme que le problème de la France, c’est des jeunes d’origine africaine alors que les Portugais sont bien gentils! Comme on dit dans mon autre pays « OK there! » Je propose donc à ce monsieur de prendre sa lâcheté à deux mains et d’aller demander aux émeutiers si certains parmi eux parlent portugais, yougoslave, espagnol, italien, vietnamien ou si certains d’entre eux parlent même une autre langue que la langue française dans leur famille depuis 500ans…Typique de cette nouvelle sorte de fasciste qui pense que s’autoproclamer ethniquement minoritaire l’absout du délit de racisme. Au fait! Quelqu’un a-t-il pensé à lui dire que ce n’est techniquement PAS POSSIBLE d’être athée et juif? A moins qu’il ne se définisse selon les critères nazis…ce qui expliquerai son rapport au monde qui l’entour par ailleurs.
Chirac a été très drôle ce soir. Il a expliqué qu’il faut respecter les règles de sa république. Il a aussi précisé qu’en république il y a des lois et que ceux qui ne les respectent pas seront poursuivis, attrapés et électrocutés…euh non pardon…condamnés par la justice. Il a bien sur oublié de dire : « SAUF moi, je suis président, et tous les gars qui ont des amis bien placé dans la nouvelle noblesse ». Force est de constater Mr Chirac, que le gamin qui brûle une voiture n’a pas beaucoup de possibilités d’être élu Sénateur pour échapper à cette justice (Dédicace au parrain Pasqua). Force est de constater aussi que ce gamin n’a pas de sang sur les mains…CONTRAIREMENT à d’autres.
Dans le même esprit, Mr Sarkozi (encore lui) s’est illustré par sa bêtise lors d’une émission intellectuellement coloniale présenté par Arlette Chabot. Il y explique sans la moindre gène que « nous avons un problème avec une partie de nos compatriotes qui sont; c’est un comble, moins bien intégrés que leurs grands parents qui ne parlaient pas Français » avant d’ajouter que le frère d’un des enfants électrocutés à Clichy « s’habille avec un costume traditionnelle, pas Français ». Je reste pantois. Alors déjà j’attends toujours une définition claire et précise de « s’intégrer », parce que personnellement, je m’habille avec des chaussures américaines, des pantalons larges fait en Chine et des polos fait en thaïlandais. Mon costume est il traditionnellement Français? Suffisamment?
Ensuite, en France, une communauté a vécu pendant 18 siècles!!! Dont les membres vivaient en parfaite « intégration », pour tout de même être chassés et assassinés par des gens dont les ancêtres avaient débarqués en France depuis quelques décennies dans beaucoup de cas. Donc que faut il faire pour être intégré? Bien sur pour certaines communautés, comme les ashkénazes par exemple, il fallait changer de nom et coupait tout contact avec leur religion et histoire. Mais un arabe ou un noir…même en changeant de nom…donc il faut qu’il fasse quoi? Changer de visage? Michael Jackson? Ou bien suffirait il de manger un bon gros morceau de porc en public avec une bonne bouteille de vin?
Et vous mr Sarkozy? Quelle pierre votre famille a-t-elle apporté à l’édifice? Êtes vous vraiment « intégré »? Êtes vous bien sûr de « l’aimer » la France?
Mr Sarkozy semble vouloir oublier, comme de nombreux autres « Français » racistes, que l’on vit hélas à une époque où dans la rue, les gens regarderont et pointeront du doigt le jeune Youssef mais salueront un Marc DuTroux, qui a une bonne tête de « bon Français ».
Vive la république…
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
The french riots
After staying silent all this time, reading and listening to all the non-sense that has been said about those riots in the media, here are a few ideas that need to be spoken. First of all I should begin by stating that Fox News has once again proven its total lack of intellectual, journalistic, moral and just plainly “human” integrity. Treating the riots the way they did was an absolute disgrace to journalism and we all know that history will punish them for their “work”.
So France had three weeks of riots in October/November 2005, and it has shaken the country in the right way. Of course we can all shout that burning cars is not a solution to social problems and that dialogue is the key, but let’s be honest, if the kids hadn’t burnt cars, NO ONE in France would’ve listened. They haven’t been listening for the past thirty years so why would they this year? Now they do. Well actually they don’t. People are treated with the colonial arrogance that characterises the 5th republic France, which eventually must end. However until then, let’s try to understand what happened.
Unfortunately the English speaking world did not get any “inside” look to the events and journalists had to speculate and elaborate theses, which in some cases were right but nonetheless far from the “ground”.
I won’t go over the events themselves, nor the causes which have already been stated hundreds of times. However, the fascist role, police harassment and the manipulation of future real estate deals are three key facts that haven’t been raised in the media.
In France there is a nationalist movement called the “Front National”. It is a politically fascist movement that also includes racist theories at its ideological base. Its youth supporters have strangely been very absent during the whole rioting problem, which seems rather unusual to anyone familiar with our society, and should’ve been considered by observers. It is more than probable that some fascist militants burnt public property too. For example, it seems obvious that the gym in Clichy wasn’t burnt by anyone from the neighbourhood…or the foreign worker shelter in a nearby town! No little brother would burn that, on the other hand, hateful fascists would…
They know people will accuse the project guys. They also know that with a scarf around your face you can pause as a rioter from the project; I mean it’s not like the older brothers go asking identity cards around the neighbourhood to check if everyone is from here…
This brings us to the second and probably main cause of anger, police harassment. “Young” people in the projects are fed up by the police. Being controlled in your street dozens of times a year gets on your nerves. Being asked to “prove” that you’re French because your skin is darker than the mayor’s, is upsetting. When you live in an area plagued by unemployment, poverty and violence, you get very sensitive about the authorities adding to your misery. When you see them handcuff, insult and beat your older brother, as a child you keep in mind that they are not here to help, but more to kick you when you’re down. When you see a police officer, throw a teargas grenade at your grand mother while she’s praying…you get really REALLY mad. And that’s the truth of the matter! As long as the kids can’t walk downtown to get grocery without being stopped and harassed by a drunken state sponsored criminal, trust won’t come back. The police institution is a noble one, however it seems the authorities choose to send to the sensitive areas: young inexperienced men (some who watched “Dirty Harry” too much) and old time tough guys who usually got into trouble in other parts of the country (like those who killed someone for no reason. They never get condemned but sent far away)
Finally it seems the third key to understanding the riots comes from the “dark side”. To put it simply, Paris is a city with housing problems. Everything is very expensive and people struggle to find nice places to buy or rent. Everyone knows that the projects are monstrous and must be destroyed. However it seems some people have thought of the perfect plan. Push excited kids to burn a few cars and make a lot of noise about it. Show the whole country how it is urgent to invest public money into destroying the projects. Buy the land for really cheap. Rebuild nice buildings, very close from Paris and make tones of money on real estate. At the same time, relocate the poor people into new style projects, with gardens and 2 floor high buildings instead of 30. However to build that you need space, which can only be found VERY far from Paris…
The media are owned by interests, which work hand in hand. For example the main TV channel TF1 belongs to…a…construction business! That goes by the name of Bouyges (one of the 5 big “families” who control many of our politicians). The media insisted on, and exaggerated the riots. They excited the country just like they have for the past 7 years. First to get the right in power, by convincing the people that the project youth were about to devastate the country with brutality…! And for the past 3 years they’ve been helping the extreme right (Sarkozy, De villier and Le Pen) for the next elections, by convincing the people that the state will be overtaken by violent Islamic militants disguised in the shape of 300 school girls…and now through the riots…
I am French. I refuse to let that happen. My country is sick and I call on the other nations to help us.
So France had three weeks of riots in October/November 2005, and it has shaken the country in the right way. Of course we can all shout that burning cars is not a solution to social problems and that dialogue is the key, but let’s be honest, if the kids hadn’t burnt cars, NO ONE in France would’ve listened. They haven’t been listening for the past thirty years so why would they this year? Now they do. Well actually they don’t. People are treated with the colonial arrogance that characterises the 5th republic France, which eventually must end. However until then, let’s try to understand what happened.
Unfortunately the English speaking world did not get any “inside” look to the events and journalists had to speculate and elaborate theses, which in some cases were right but nonetheless far from the “ground”.
I won’t go over the events themselves, nor the causes which have already been stated hundreds of times. However, the fascist role, police harassment and the manipulation of future real estate deals are three key facts that haven’t been raised in the media.
In France there is a nationalist movement called the “Front National”. It is a politically fascist movement that also includes racist theories at its ideological base. Its youth supporters have strangely been very absent during the whole rioting problem, which seems rather unusual to anyone familiar with our society, and should’ve been considered by observers. It is more than probable that some fascist militants burnt public property too. For example, it seems obvious that the gym in Clichy wasn’t burnt by anyone from the neighbourhood…or the foreign worker shelter in a nearby town! No little brother would burn that, on the other hand, hateful fascists would…
They know people will accuse the project guys. They also know that with a scarf around your face you can pause as a rioter from the project; I mean it’s not like the older brothers go asking identity cards around the neighbourhood to check if everyone is from here…
This brings us to the second and probably main cause of anger, police harassment. “Young” people in the projects are fed up by the police. Being controlled in your street dozens of times a year gets on your nerves. Being asked to “prove” that you’re French because your skin is darker than the mayor’s, is upsetting. When you live in an area plagued by unemployment, poverty and violence, you get very sensitive about the authorities adding to your misery. When you see them handcuff, insult and beat your older brother, as a child you keep in mind that they are not here to help, but more to kick you when you’re down. When you see a police officer, throw a teargas grenade at your grand mother while she’s praying…you get really REALLY mad. And that’s the truth of the matter! As long as the kids can’t walk downtown to get grocery without being stopped and harassed by a drunken state sponsored criminal, trust won’t come back. The police institution is a noble one, however it seems the authorities choose to send to the sensitive areas: young inexperienced men (some who watched “Dirty Harry” too much) and old time tough guys who usually got into trouble in other parts of the country (like those who killed someone for no reason. They never get condemned but sent far away)
Finally it seems the third key to understanding the riots comes from the “dark side”. To put it simply, Paris is a city with housing problems. Everything is very expensive and people struggle to find nice places to buy or rent. Everyone knows that the projects are monstrous and must be destroyed. However it seems some people have thought of the perfect plan. Push excited kids to burn a few cars and make a lot of noise about it. Show the whole country how it is urgent to invest public money into destroying the projects. Buy the land for really cheap. Rebuild nice buildings, very close from Paris and make tones of money on real estate. At the same time, relocate the poor people into new style projects, with gardens and 2 floor high buildings instead of 30. However to build that you need space, which can only be found VERY far from Paris…
The media are owned by interests, which work hand in hand. For example the main TV channel TF1 belongs to…a…construction business! That goes by the name of Bouyges (one of the 5 big “families” who control many of our politicians). The media insisted on, and exaggerated the riots. They excited the country just like they have for the past 7 years. First to get the right in power, by convincing the people that the project youth were about to devastate the country with brutality…! And for the past 3 years they’ve been helping the extreme right (Sarkozy, De villier and Le Pen) for the next elections, by convincing the people that the state will be overtaken by violent Islamic militants disguised in the shape of 300 school girls…and now through the riots…
I am French. I refuse to let that happen. My country is sick and I call on the other nations to help us.
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